The Invisible Enemy

invisible enemy - born to prosper

If you’re wanting to achieve monetary success, it’s not going to happen by mistake. The key to outperforming others and getting more success is creating your life intentionally. Once you have the right plan in place, you can start taking steps toward achieving your business goals!

How Too Much Work and Not Enough Money Can Destroy Your Life

Most people have to work all the time, which eventually leads to problems in many areas of life. Too much time at work can take time away from your loved ones and other things you might be passionate about. If you’re having money problems, that will amplify the relationship issues and your stress levels.

How Counter-Intention Stops Your Success

It is possible to create your life on your own terms and actually have more money when you reach the end of the month instead of the other way around. The key is defeating the invisible enemy to your success, which is counter-intention. This is a principle that means you do things that are counter to your desires. You might want to be wildly successful, but you self-sabotage yourself by convincing yourself it will never happen. That’s counter-intention.

It’s normal to have some hesitation when you put your mind to achieving your goal. What matters is that you don’t act on those feelings. Stand your ground and work toward achieving your goals.

Take Your Goal One Step at a Time

If you’re like most people, your biggest weakness is that you sell yourself short. A big outcome is never going to seem doable, no matter who you are. Take a look at the successful people around you. They’re not doing anything you couldn’t be doing. The only difference is those people made up their minds to be successful and started taking steps to meet their goals. If you’re being realistic, there’s nothing they have that you don’t.

If you just focus on the outcome and how unrealistic you think it is, you’ll never make any of the changes you need to reach your desired outcome. Instead, look at what people are doing to create the outcome you desire. Emulate what they’re doing and, with time, you’ll achieve their same level of success. You might even surpass them!

Never Play It Safe

Part of you is afraid of achieving success because what you have to do to get there may not be safe. But playing it safe won’t necessarily make you happy. Most people end up dead or dead broke by age 65. Is that what you want? Think about it. If you want more, then work on defeating your invisible enemy!

Highlights from the Episode

  • 21:14 –Believing you can achieve the success you want is the hardest part of achieving that success.
  • 27:18—Your business is just a tool that will help you achieve success. You’re the one who has to work the business to get the outcome you want.
  • 31:40—Even talented people that should be extremely successful can end up unhappy and unsuccessful because they settle.
  • 33:46—Just about anything is possible!

View the entire episode here!

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, November 18, 2019