Why Success is an Inside Game

success - born to prosper

When it comes to achieving your goals, you’re probably not all that different from those around you. Most people have the same barriers to success. It’s really no surprise when the same ideas have been beaten into our minds from a young age. What’s going on inside your mind affects the trajectory of your life.

The Real Secret to Success

We often chalk success up to luck or someone’s unbelievable talent for what they do. We think there’s some big secret, and we want to know what it is. But the truth is there’s no big secret. Even the vehicle you use to achieve success isn’t that important. What really matters is what’s going on inside your mind.

It’s true that some things work in business and others don’t. But sometimes people can do the same thing and get drastically different results. Why is that? It’s because they have different things going on inside!

Visualizing Your Desired Success

Changing what’s going on inside you starts by strategically visualizing what you want to see in your life. Once you know what you want your success to look like, you can take baby steps toward achieving that outcome. If you can visualize enough of what you want, things will start to shift. Opportunities will present themselves to you!

Fight Comfort, Aim for Success

Don’t lose sight of the success you’ve visualized. Most people eventually get to a point in their life where they stop wanting more. They stop setting big goals and wanting to be more successful. Why? Because they want to be comfortable.

Comfort is addictive. Once you have it, you’ll keep doing whatever it takes to hold onto it, even if that means sacrificing your goals. You’ll reduce your goals today so you can be comfortable and contented tomorrow. But before you know it, you’ll have to reduce your goals again to keep that comfort.

Even if you’re not moving forward, life is moving forward. Don’t let yourself fall backward in the process. Every single day, you have to continue working toward your goals.

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

We’re also programmed to believe that we only deserve so much money. And if you don’t think you deserve it, you’re not going to get it. Remember that money has nothing to do with what you deserve. So, you might as well shoot for the moon!

There’s unlimited money in the world. We’re taught to believe that wanting more means we’re greedy, but that isn’t true either. Money is simply value. If you can create value, the money will be printed into existence. So when you’re thinking about your ideal income, don’t think about what you think you “deserve.” Think about what you want!

Highlights from This Episode

  • 18:52—You have to resist the urge to be content today to be successful in the long-term.
  • 23:55—Visualizing what could happen gave Shane the courage to actually do it.
  • 29:27—We think so incrementally when it comes to desired income, but we don’t have to.
  • 41:25—Money doesn’t make you good or bad. It just makes you more of what you already are.

View the entire episode here!

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, November 25, 2019