Winning is Worth It

winning is worth it - born to prosper

As humans, we’re all too often stuck in a failure mentality. Just look at the five people closest to you. Ask yourself this: are any of those five people strategically living their lives to make sure they’re winning? Usually, the answer is “no” because most people aren’t very serious about winning.

Success is complicated. It takes just about everything you have. But if you’re serious about it, it’s worth it! Here are five tips on how to make it happen.

1.      Look at the Big Picture

Both Shane and Rachel were high school dropouts. Some people might choose to see their choices to drop out as failures. But you could also see their choice as opting out of popular belief, which is key in the winning formula for success. Although dropping out of high school isn’t for everyone, in their case, it helped set them up for success in the big picture.

2. Transition from an Employee Mentality to an Entrepreneur Mindset

Look at your salary. You’re worth more than you’re being paid. The problem is that most people have an employee mentality, meaning they need a boss to make money. But most bosses aren’t doing anything superhuman. They aren’t doing anything you couldn’t do if you put your mind to it!

The employee mentality says that after a certain age, you quit learning. But, if you want the entrepreneur mindset, you must commit to being a life-long learner. That means reading books and developing perspective. Traditional education teaches you to be a cog in the wheel. But personal development teaches you how the game of life actually works—and it teaches you how to win at that game!

3. Break the Rules

Breaking rules gets you fired as an employee, but it’s vital to being an entrepreneur. When you’re an entrepreneur, you aren’t bound by arbitrary rules that are going to keep you stuck. It’s true that there are rules you have to follow or you’ll get in trouble. But on a day to day basis, you make your own rules.

4. Time Isn’t Linear

When you have the employee mindset, you think incrementally. Best case scenario, your salary slowly grows over time as you get raises. But when you have the entrepreneur mindset, you’re not limited to that normal income band. You can make a huge jump in salary in a short amount of time!

5. Life is Meant to be Fun

Life should be fun. But when you’re spending all your time just trying to make ends meet, you don’t get to actually enjoy your life. You need downtime for family and your hobbies. You also need money to take advantage of a lot of the fun things in life. Figure out something that will give you freedom with your time and your money.

Highlights from the Episode

  • 15:10—Traditional education will make you a living, but self-development will make you a fortune.
  • 20:00—Being an entrepreneur means you are an unlimited being!
  • 34:05—We’re indoctrinated to think things take time. Sometimes that’s true, but they don’t have to.
  • 39:28—Work enough to get some stuff done, but not too much that you end up missing out on your life.