What is Emotional State & Emotional State Awareness?

Simply put, emotional state is how you are feeling in your mind, body and spirit. It’s your current emotions. Your vibrations. Emotional State Awareness is the awareness of present emotions.
Emotional State can be a very powerful tool if you learn to control it, but most people don’t have any Emotional State awareness. In order to become aware of, and raise your emotional state, you need to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and work on personal development daily. Personal development raises your emotional IQ, which in turn will raise your Emotional State Awareness.

Getting Triggered

We can all get triggered when emotions run high, when things aren’t going our way, when we disagree with others. And when we get triggered, we can trigger those around you.
When we get triggered emotionally, we can lose control of the situation, which causes us to miss-communicate and become intellectually unconscious.

We Can’t Know Everything – And That’s Okay

In life there are things that you can know, and things that you can’t know. In order to know the things that you can’t know, you will have to become the type of person that no one wants to be around, whether it be in relationships or business. Wanting to know what you can’t know will trigger your emotional state, which will block out your intuition.
It’s our choice, in the moment, to let the ‘I must know’ get triggered or not. When it happens, you have two options; you can decide that you must know, and become that person you don’t want to be. Or, you can make peace with the fact that you don’t know and that there are things that you will never know. Listen to our intuition. Let it guide you in order to level out your Emotional State.

Take A Moment

When you become aware of your Emotional State, in the moment, ask yourself; ‘How important is this?’, ‘What do I know and what don’t I know?’, ‘Does it matter? What’s really going on?’
When you pause for a moment and calmly and compassionately ask yourself these questions, you have the opportunity to put things in to perspective, and you’re on your way to being in control of your Emotional State.

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