The Power of Visualization

Visualization is an extremely powerful too. Anything and everything you want in life, you have to see it first in your mind, you have to feel it first in your body. Incorporate visualization in to your daily life, practice it, and it will have a profound impact on you. Adding positive affirmations will be beneficial. And eventually it will become effortless.

See It in Your Mind’s Eye

Do it religiously and enjoy every moment of it. Visualize your future life, the car you’ll be driving, your perfect mate. Visualize money going in to your bank account. Visualize that perfect house, every room, the furniture. Visualize yourself walking through the rooms. See yourself with the results you desire and include as much detail as possible. Play a mental movie over and over in your mind. You have to feel it, physically and emotionally. Becoming emotionally impacted is a huge part of successful visualization.


Your self-image is a mental model of who you think you are. Once you form your self-image, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. It’s a blueprint, which is used to build what’s going to be there. Your self-image is reinforced by what happens to you in your life, and it’s unconsciously operating off your blueprint. Imaging doing something outside of your comfort zone. It feels awkward, because you are pushing against your blueprint.

Change Your Blueprint

In order to change your blueprint, you need to put in the work. And you need to truly believe that you can change it. If you have negative beliefs, if you fear failure, then you will not be able to change it. Belief is a choice. Do you believe that you can change your blueprint? Do you truly believe it? Then you can, using visualization. Visualization is how you gain ability.

Taking Action

After learning about the power of visualization, you have to put it into action. Nothing will happen if you don’t take action. Visualize, then act. Visualize, then act. Over and over. Feel it, smell it, taste it, feel it. Immerse yourself in it. Visualization and action have to be done in equal measures, or you will never hit your potential. Immersion is key.

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