What Is Your Why? This Is Ours.

born to prosper - shane and rachel krider

Without a big “why” and without getting clear on your why, not much will happen in your life. But keep it simple! Don’t overcomplicate it! Get more powerful with your “why” and you’ll see fantastic results.

We don’t want to be the gurus. We’re just two people with a variety of experiences that have led us in powerful directions. We love personal development and believe everyone deserves this type of training and input into their lives.

There HAS to Be a Bigger Driving Force Than Just the Money.

Some people think it’s all about the money, but you can’t take away your purpose for living. You don’t want to be bored out of your brain. You need a driving force.

When we started building Born to Prosper, we went on a search: we wanted to find people in the world who are doing something significant and important. People that others can connect with and relate to. Incredible people with incredible stories. We wanted people who knew WHAT they were creating and WHY they were creating it. And we found people who were doing an amazing job at just that! These people understood that there had to be more driving them than just the money.

Here’s What Drives Us

Here’s what drives us: our core belief that our business deserves to exist in the marketplace. We believe people like you deserve to have a better option. We found our niche in the network marketing industry where there’s a level playing field and everyone has a chance to succeed with abundance. Abundance is the name of the game at Born to Prosper!

We also want to be self-sustaining and independent, able to take care of our family and do the things we want to do without relying on a boss or something else out of our control. This is powerful!

So, What Drives You?

The easiest thing to do might be to continue wandering on down a dead-end road. Make the change! You will be glad you did in 20-30 years. Discover what you’re capable of as a human being. When you find the right pursuit, you will get that amazing fulfilled feeling knowing that you’re doing what you truly want to do.

Much like ours, your “why” should be partly be about you and partly about other people. It should allow you to help yourself thrive and help others succeed, too!

Highlights from This Episode

  • A special thank-you from Shane and Rachel Krider to everyone who has been sharing and tuning in every week! 3:18
  • Listen to a powerful story about celebrity comedian Michael Jr on “the power of knowing your why.” 5:45
  • 10 years ago, the wheels fell off and our advisors at the time were telling us to give up… here’s why we DIDN’T take that advice, even if it would have benefited us financially! 14:10
  • How Rachel broke into the business and her huge, off-the-charts AHA moments! 22:00

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, February 18, 2019

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