Breaking Through the Barriers to Getting Rich

breaking through the barriers to getting rich born to prosper

What are the barriers that are preventing you from getting rich? Do you think they’re too big? Impossible to overcome? Most people have this problem, but it’s because they’ve mislabeled what those barriers are. Most people actually have very similar barriers that are holding them back from the level of success they’d like to achieve.

Not everyone becomes a millionaire the same way. But there are so many opportunities out there, that there’s bound to be one that’s just the right fit for you! If you don’t let these barriers get in your way, it will happen!

Identifying the Barriers to Success

Here are the common barriers that are holding most people back from their true financial potential. Can you identify how they are manifesting in your life and how they’re preventing you from getting rich?

  1. Your self-image: This is the way you see yourself. It’s often the result of an inaccurate label that someone else placed on you. If you can get out of that mindset of what someone else has said you are, you can eliminate this obstacle. This is the biggest barrier for most people, and it will take the most work to defeat.
  2. Your view of the outside world and how you see yourself fit into it: most people view money as a limited resource, but that’s simply not true. Money represents value. If you can create something that has value, whether it’s an idea or a product, people will be willing to spend money on it.
  3. The impact from the herd: the herd is all the people who are following the status quo. Most people will live their lives adhering to the opinions and the plans of the masses. But it’s only when you get outside of that herd and start thinking for yourself that you can truly achieve success.
  4. Finding the vehicle to get you there: this is the actual doing it! You’ve made a plan, but now it’s time to put it into action. One way you can help get rid of this barrier is by surrounding yourself with the kind of people who are achieving the level of success that you desire. Can’t find anyone? No problem! Then read books and absorb information about the people you want to be like.
  5. There’s no way to avoid dealing with these obstacles. They’re going to be there no matter what. But if you know how to overcome them, you won’t have to worry about them holding you back. You can achieve great financial success.

Highlights from the Episode

  • If you can’t name it, you won’t ever be able to claim it! 3:04
  • When it comes to the game of getting rich, most people aren’t actually trying to win. That makes it easy for you to win! 14:40
  • Shane discusses the two most important things that were vital to his financial success. 20:50
  • It takes all of us to make this crazy world go round: different personality types, different strengths and weaknesses, different attitudes, and different backgrounds. 22:55
  • If you clearly define your goals and start taking steps toward that goal, you will achieve it! 24:44

Check out the full Industry Insider episode over on our Facebook page. Go forth and increase your wealth!