The Success Stats that Every Business Owner Should Know

success stats - born to prosper

Do you want to hear some statistics on whether or not you’ll be successful when you start your own business? The truth is, that’s impossible. What you really probably want to know is the odds of whether or not you’ll succeed. There’s a big difference between the odds of being successful and the statistics surrounding success. Statistics look at the end result. They don’t look at the how.

In some situations, the odds and statistics are the same. For example, apart from cheating, you can’t change your chances of winning at roulette. The game is pure luck. But business isn’t a game of roulette. There is an infinite number of choices you could make that will make you more or less likely to succeed at a job. And those choices aren’t all made at one time. You continue to make them every day of your life. By making good choices and investing in yourself, you are changing the odds and stacking them in your favor.

Two Necessities for Success

Most people are struggling in mediocrity. They are overworked and underpaid, just barely getting by. This kind of struggle is so common that it seems normal. Shane dealt with this kind of struggle for many years before he started Born to Prosper. Two things helped him break this cycle and become successful:

  1. Personal development by investing time in learning about inspirational, successful business owners.
  2. A business model that has a level playing field, as opposed to something like a franchise or multi-level marketing company

These two things can help you too! When you spend time on personal development and you choose a good business model, you are stacking the odds in your favor.

Attitude Can Make All the Difference

Your attitude is a crucial component in whether or not you will succeed. Take a look at some people you know that work based on commission: car salesmen, insurance agents, and telemarketers. Who is succeeding the most? Most likely, the people with positive attitudes who believe in themselves and their goals are doing the best. Before starting Born to Prosper, Shane had a strong work ethic, but he was stuck in a place of hopelessness. He didn’t believe in himself, and because of that, he was stuck for many years.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you’re never going to meet your goals. Only you have the ability to control your attitude. By making your attitude one of positivity instead of hopelessness, you’re already stacking the odds in your favor!

Highlights from the Episode

  • Life is more fun when you’re succeeding big as opposed to being overwhelmed by the problems of not having enough money. 8:05.
  • People who have good attitudes make the most money, as long as they have the work ethic to back it up. 15:10.
  • The statistics that you hear about your chances of success have nothing to do with you because they aren’t about you. 16:57.
  • As soon as you become hopeless toward the result you want, you can’t work toward it. Until you are able to change your attitude, you’re always going to fail. 23:30.

The Industry Insider

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, October 29, 2018