Leap from Thousands to Millions!

Hello and welcome to the Industry Insider!

Counting By Thousands

When counting income or even making purchases, most people traditionally tend to count by thousands. As in, “I make $50,000 per year” or “This car costs $20,000.”

In fact, when I (Shane) first started in business, it wasn’t even within the realm of possiblity to make a $1000 purchase! That’s when it’s time to make some changes, because that just doesn’t cut it in today’s world. You feel like there’s such a limited supply and abundance seems like a distance concept. But the reality? Abundance is possible! And you can achieve it! We live in one of the most abundant times in human history, and it isn’t distributed to everyone, but it is possible for you.For me, it was possible within six months to talk within terms of tens of thousands of dollars and then after a few years I was able to talk in terms of seven figures. Even seven figures in a week!

Get involved in a community that is experiencing extraordinary results

One of the good things about this company is that we have such a wonderfully supportive community. For me (Rachel) specifically, when I got into this business, the thing that helped me the MOST was a supportive community that believed I could do it. I may not have had belief in myself, but there were people there to lift me up when I wasn’t feeling so strong. And it made all the difference in my own career!

Do some planning

It takes planning, knowledge, a little bit of money, and a little bit of belief in order to get a plane off the ground.

There are so many examples of people becoming something more than they are today. Some epople think that the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor, but we think that is BS! There are countless examples of people switching the equation.

Making the leap

It’s time to decide you want to go for it and cut off all the other possibilities! It’s really as simple as that. “I have decided that I’m going to start making more money. I’m going to become a millionaire in the next 2 years.” People might think you are crazy. But we can vouch for this, because we did it and we have succeeded!

Realizing the situation doesn’t dictate your income

So many people think that their situation dictates all the opportunities that happen in their life. But actually, you have the power to change your situation! You don’t have to project the past into the future. In other words, you don’t have to limit yourself so severely by just going by the income you have had in the past. Give yourself room to grow. Give yourself the power to drastically improve your situation for the better. You’ll be so glad you did!

View the entire episode below on our Facebook page, where we stream the Industry Insider live each week. Feel free to share if you are so inclined! And send us a message if you are interested in learning more or getting started. We would be happy to connect you to someone in your area!

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, March 16, 2020