Supported or Sabotaged?

Supported or Sabotaged - How to know

Are you being supported or sabotaged? Relationships, whether personal or professional, are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. They have the power to uplift us, propel us to new heights, or occasionally, leave us wondering if there’s something amiss. It’s a fact: the people we surround ourselves with play a pivotal role in shaping our reality. But how can we distinguish between genuine support and the sneakier shades of sabotage? I’m going to answer this question today.

1. Listen to the Words

Words carry energy, and they can reveal a lot about the intentions behind them. True supporters offer encouragement, constructive feedback, and honest praise. They listen with empathy and engage in conversations that uplift rather than deflate. On the other hand, those inclined towards sabotage might use sarcasm, negativity, or criticism that chips away at your confidence. Pay attention to the language; it often holds the keys to intentions.

2. Observe Actions, Not Just Promises

Promises are easy to make, but actions are what truly count. Genuine supporters stand by their commitments. They’re there when you need them, offering help and guidance. They celebrate your successes as their own and extend a hand when you stumble. Saboteurs, however, may offer empty promises or conveniently disappear when you’re in need. If you’re wondering if you’re being supported or sabotaged, take a look at a person’s actions because actions reveal the depth of a relationship’s authenticity.

3. Genuine Envy vs. Toxic Jealousy

It’s natural for humans to feel a tinge of envy when others achieve something they desire. Genuine supporters acknowledge this emotion, but their overarching feeling is happiness for your success. They might say, “I’m a bit jealous, but I’m so proud of you.” On the other hand, those veering towards sabotage might exhibit toxic jealousy – resentment, belittling your achievements, or even undermining your efforts.

4. Constructive Criticism vs. Destructive Doubt

Feedback is essential for growth, and true supporters offer it constructively. They highlight areas for improvement while maintaining belief in your capabilities. Saboteurs, however, might cloak their criticism in doubt, questioning your abilities in a way that leaves you feeling incapable and uncertain. Discern between well-intentioned critique and negativity aimed at breaking you down.

5. Celebration vs. Concealment

Your successes are moments to be celebrated, and real supporters do just that. They genuinely share your joy, and their excitement is palpable. Sabotage, on the other hand, might manifest as downplaying your achievements or even actively concealing them. If someone shies away from acknowledging your wins, it’s worth considering their intentions.

6. Energy Exchange

Pay attention to how you feel after interacting with someone. True supporters leave you energized, inspired, and motivated. Even in moments of tough love, their energy uplifts you. Saboteurs can leave you drained, doubtful, or even anxious. If you find yourself feeling more depleted than uplifted, it’s worth evaluating the impact of that relationship on your overall well-being.

7. Empathy vs. Ego

Genuine supporters understand your struggles because they’ve likely experienced similar challenges. They’re empathetic and offer advice rooted in understanding. Saboteurs might use your vulnerabilities against you, making your struggles about them or highlighting their own achievements. Empathy fosters growth; ego hinders it.

Supported or Sabotaged? The Conclusion

Navigating the complexity of relationships requires discernment and self-awareness. It’s important to remember that it’s not about casting judgment, but about ensuring that the energies you’re engaging with align with your journey towards self-improvement and success. Surround yourself with those who uplift, inspire, and genuinely want to see you flourish. Your growth is the ultimate litmus test for the authenticity of your relationships.

As you go through life, remember that the threads of true support are interwoven with respect, empathy, and a shared desire for growth. I hope that this article will give you more wisdom to discern if you’re being supported or sabotaged. Do check other Born to Prosper blog posts for more self-help and self-development topics. Also, please visit Prosperity Of Life if you’d like to learn about self-development courses and programs.