Finding the Money to Start a Business

born to prosper - finding the money to start a business

Hello and welcome to the Industry Insider, where we share tips each week to help you understand the world of online business!

Is Money Your Barrier?

For many people, money is a barrier to becoming an entrepreneur.

In this business we’ve probably met tens of thousands of people who were thinking about starting a business. And it’s a sad reality that things cost money. People have excuses and fears.

The world is not set up to assist you in being an entrepreneur. It’s set up to assist you in being in the middle of the road, the middle of the status quo, to be completely ordinary and average, and to be someone’s employee.

Many people say they don’t have the money, but they do. Others truly don’t have the money! In our lives, both of us (Shane and Rachel) have been completely broke and in debt.

Spot the difference between these two statements:

  • I want to do this but I can’t find the money.
  • I AM doing this, and it requires money, so somehow, I’m going to find the money.

Let’s say you make the decision and take the opportunity.

How do you know you decided? Because you cut off all other possibilities.

You’ve decided, yet the money isn’t in your bank account. It’s time to get creative. You might not know what it’s going to take, but you’ve got to be committed to figuring it out.

No worries: The universe is going to rearrange itself to deliver. You’ll start to get ideas flowing through your head. Some might be impossible, lame, or illegal. For example, DON’T rob a bank! That should go without saying— it’s not a good solution! All joking aside, whether you have to ask for advice, Google it, or just mull things over on your own, you’re sure to come up with a solution that works for you.

What We Have Done to “Invent” Money

We totally get it. Some people really, truly, don’t have the money.

What are you willing to do?

You can always sell stuff, refinance your house, or get a bank loan (not a small business loan! Did you know that they’re more likely to loan you money for a vacation or furniture than for a small business?!

To start his business, Shane called up the bank that lent him the money for his house and juggled around mortgage payments. It was a quick and easy way for him to get the money that successfully launched him into online sales.

We have friends who had to sell their car to start the business, but now they’ve been making between half a million dollars and $800,000 for the last several years! That’s how their journey started and now they’re here!

These are decisions and choices. You have the ability to move yourself forward and find the money.

Highlights from This Episode

  • Shane’s incredible story of solving his “no money” problem 12:15
  • Do you really not have the money? 20:00
  • Many creative ideas from listeners 25:00

View the entire episode here on our Facebook page.

Industry Insider

Rachel Krider and Shane Krider share their "insider" perspective on getting rich in the online business industry.

Posted by Born To Prosper on Monday, July 15, 2019