Do You Believe in Magic?

born to prosper - do you believe in magic

Welcome to this week’s Industry Insider with Shane and Rachel!

Did you know that, when you think about something, it actually puts something intangible yet powerful out into the universe? So, with this in mind, what do you spend most of your time thinking about? Whatever you think about, you will attract towards yourself. Make sure you take control of this power so you can create what you DO want instead of creating what you DON’T want.

Embracing Infinite Possibilities

I (Shane) have found that my job is to know what I want to create— and then pursue that goal. The universe will help me along the way and give me the tools, people, circumstances, events, and results I need to create what I want.

We become what we think of most of the time. But I know what you’re thinking…“Thinking about stuff” doesn’t sound like a good strategy. We like physical, tangible strategies.

Not to worry, I completely understand your doubts. But after I learned about this, in six months  I went from an absolute nonbeliever to a believer, because I started actually achieving the things I wanted to achieve!

Is Your Own Thinking Your Worst Enemy?

A few bad things happen and we start to feel like things are against us. We feel like life is unfair and that we’re not likely to ever get what we truly want. We get stuck in thought patterns like “I’ll never have a lot of money” or “People are never going to want to be friends with me” or maybe “I’m just not cut out to be an entrepreneur.”

Don’t affirm your limited thinking! Millions of people have created success, and YOU CAN BE ONE OF THEM! But you have to see it in your mind’s eye before you can get there.

Past failures can cause fears that keep you from future success, and that’s normal. There’s nothing wrong with you if this is the state you’re in right now. But it will greatly benefit you if you can turn it around now. Work to prevent your past failures from sabotaging your future!

Just Visualize It!

Take some time to visualize what you want in life. What’s the worst that can happen? Let’s say you don’t achieve the exact goal that you visualized… so what? You haven’t wasted anything. But let’s say you do achieve it, or you achieve something even better! Your first step is simply giving yourself the space to visualize what you want.

The next step is bold and confident action! But for now, if you’re just getting started, simply visualize it. Soon, you’ll gain an unnatural level of confidence that will propel you forward to meet your goals. You’ll get the keys to the castle! You can have whatever you want!

Highlights from This Episode

  • Do you work too hard for too little? 4:00
  • Set a goal that is insane! Disagree with reality 15:00
  • How to filter out everything that doesn’t pertain to your goal 22:00

View the entire episode on our Facebook page right here!