It’s Black and White

Supported or sabotaged happens in all types of relationships; romantic relationships, friendships, business partnerships, and will have a huge impact on your emotional state and your confidence. Not everyone in your life will support you, and that’s okay, but you need key people in your life who do. In your mind you have a clear picture of where you’re going in life. If there’s someone close to you who is undermining your personal confidence and choices in life, that person is adding distortion and static to that picture of what you’re trying to create in your life and that defeats everting you are and worked for.

The Curve Ball

Before you get wrapped up in whether other people are supportive of you, you have to take a good look at yourself and make sure that you are supportive of them. Many people who are being sabotaged by others turn out to be the prime saboteur.

Mirror Mentality

How do you know whether you’re in a good relationship? As yourself how that person makes you feel. Are you scared to tell them when you’ve done something wrong? If you do tell them, will you get support from them, or will you get insulted and degraded?
If you realize that there are people in your circle who are not supportive of you, do everything you can to support them. Many times, your behavior will be mirrored. If you consciously become supportive of them, you might notice that you receive support back. And doing this can help you sent the standard.

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