How to own your power and take charge in your life

Based on a podcast by Shane Krider

How to own your power – seems like such an easy concept. But this is how I can frame it up in my own experience to try and show you how it can exist in your own life.

I was struggling financially because I couldn’t handle my finances. But eventually what I realized was it’s never about the money. You think it is, but it isn’t. I was earning $35K/yr working 80-hours a week and it wasn’t enough to take care of my family and our basic needs. I thought if I could be one of those people who made $100K/yr then I would feel like I was ‘owning my power’.

But after interviewing over 10,000 ‘wannabe’ entrepreneurs, I figured out it’s always the same story. People are just looking to move to the next category of income in the belief that achievement will have them feel like they are owning their power.

People making $200K are looking at people who are earning $750K and think that person is owning their power. The cycle is never ending until you own your power! No matter what level a person is at, or what level a person achieves, it always seems like if you could just hit that next level you would then feel like you are truly owning your power.

This type of thinking not only leads to a constant state of feeling dissatisfied with present results but also can dramatically hinder your ability to actually achieve the life and lifestyle within your potential. By placing ‘the next level’ on a pedestal, we can set ourselves up for failure. There is a better approach.

That approach begins with owning your power now in spite of whatever is going on in your life as opposed to requiring a certain goal to be achieved in order to ‘feel’ like you are owning your power.

Owning your power is something different than obtaining that next category leap. It’s a way of being, of perceiving yourself and seeing yourself as a creative force that has the ability to design and live your extraordinary life.

You can create an amazing existence and these six points will definitely move you in the right direction.

  1. Make a list of all the reasons of why you can’t

Sometimes the most basic life circumstances that don’t seem bad can hold you prisoner and overcoming those average obstacles is the hardest thing to do because you don’t have any motivation to get you out of there. Call them for what they are – excuses.

That’s the first step. You deserve to acknowledge that which is holding you back, label them as excuses and target them as the enemy and systematically destroy them. Or they will always take your power.

  1. Act as if you can succeed

Act as if you can create your life. This is the rubber hitting the road. ACT AS IF YOU CAN. For me, I was sick and tired, and could only see my life getting worse. I wanted to be an entrepreneur but there was so much I didn’t know, like the logistical business acumen required to start. Let me tell you, if you need to know it, you will learn it as you go. It was an excuse, so I went ahead and did it anyway. Just get out there and do it.

  1. You will find what you already know is out there

The trick of the mind is: whatever you believe exists, is what you will find. So you have to suspend what you think you know and re-inspect different areas of life as if you’ve never looked at them before. Keep a keen eye out for new distinctions that you’ve never noticed. The fact is, not everybody experiences life the same way, but everybody knows their version of life is the correct version. There is no correct version. There is only the version that you experience and that version is based on what you believe. 

  1. Get over the cop out

What does that mean? Essentially, it means ‘I can’t.’ The difference between successful people and those who don’t make it is they pick themselves up one more time to achieve the goal. Just do it! Make moves NOW.

  1. Confront the negative messaging in your life

You hear negative messaging in everything you read / hear, even when you’re unaware. It has an effect on what you allow yourself to become. Whatever category you put yourself in, don’t align yourself with a perceived persona to adhere to media messaging.

  1. Hold onto the option of possibility

Cling to the possibility you can create your most extraordinary life and hold that possibility open. Reality will test you – amidst its insanity – you must frame up your circumstances and challenges in a way that allows you to keep the possibilities open. This new frame up is a story to tell yourself to stay on track. True or not true you will benefit from the story. It works. Hold the possibility open.

Adhere to these steps and you will achieve what you seek in your life. How do you own your power? Take control in the moment with the best attitude, and these six steps are a good way to utilize it and implement daily.

For real life examples of these steps being put into action check out the podcast above.

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better”.  Jim Rohn