How To Destroy Fear Before It Destroys You

Shane Krider’s Mind Power – Destroy Fear….


Based on podcast by Shane Krider

Fear is the number one inhibitor of taking successful actions; and it is the number one instigator for taking destructive actions. Fear prevents your ability to make productive decisions that keep you on-purpose, focused on your goals, and contributing to your ideal life. Instead, fear promotes negative thinking, which leads to bad decisions and damaging behavior.

Fear can manifest in multiple ways, through loss, desperation, and lack of change. It can paralyze you and hold you prisoner at the mercy of ‘fight or flight’ mode, and no constructive life decision can be made from this primitive mindset.

As a young guy in my twenties, I was afraid to make a change, and this fear kept me stuck in a horrible job where I was treated poorly for five years! Fear drives us to think things are harder than they are, and the prospect of escaping from that suffocating workplace was in the ‘too hard’ basket. It was much easier to stay where I was, resign to the fact I was miserable, and console myself with alcohol at the end of the day.

This is true for so many people. Fear keeps us from chasing and achieving our goals, from making the changes we need to succeed. Thankfully, when I was twenty-six, I found personal development and started hanging out with some successful people and it just clicked. I went from being disgruntled and crippled by fear, to overcoming it, and feeling empowered and on-purpose. Best. Decision. Ever!

So how do we destroy fear?

By choice. Yep, it’s that easy! You have to choose to release and to allow. This fundamental change in personal philosophy will destroy fear and change everything.

Release the fear, and allow the universe to show you the way. It takes more energy to hang on to fear than it does to let it go. Choose to overcome it, kick its butt, climb over it and move forward. Surrender to the fact you can’t control everything and let the universe guide you. Don’t stress about things you can’t control, instead re-direct that energy towards creating your ideal life. Like we discussed in last week’s podcast, stay focused on the vision you’ve created in the bubble within your mind and start making purposeful decisions to get you closer to the life you want.

The key is to commit to doing things differently than when you were in the fear-rut. You’ve got to make the change, release the fear, stay positive, focused and count your wins every day. That’s the great thing about our Prosperity of Life community, they keep you on track and on-purpose because it’s full of people who are continually focused on expansion and growth and keep the conversation of success flowing. It is an invaluable asset!

You really have to destroy fear before it destroys you, because it all comes down to this: the picture you serve is the reality you’re going to create. Everything you envisage in your mind is a self-fulfilling prophecy, so stop thinking about what you don’t want to happen, and start using that initiative power to create something positive, invigorating and amazing! By choosing to destroy your fears, you’re already on your way. There’s absolutely nothing stopping you.

Shane Krider