Flourishing Now and Release the Past

Shane Krider’s Mind Power – How to Fourish in the Now and Release the Past with Dave Moore.


To a great extent, we are all at the mercy and effect of what’s going on around us. It’s so easy to allow situations, past and present, to define who we think we are. I’ve had some traumatic events in my life that have absolutely taught me great lessons and helped shape my life into the amazing creation it currently is. But how do you gain strength from these events, move on and leave the negativity behind, and thrive from the life lesson?

Dave Moore is a Prosperity of Life associate who is an inspiring example of not allowing negative events in his past define him, but instead use them to lift his life. So I wanted to chat with Dave to gain his perspective on how to release the past, and flourish in the now.

Dave had a rough childhood, which led to being removed from an abusive family by the age of six. He remembers a situation around this time that led him to think he was going to die. For a young budding mind to grasp this concept was a critical point in his mind map and could have easily spiraled. But what Dave recalls next is truly remarkable, especially for such a young kid. He consciously decided NO. This is not the way this is going to go. He did not accept that conclusion.

“This particular circumstance was occurring and the outcome that was being presented to me, I realized this is not the only choice for the given situation I was in. I just knew I did not want to die. I felt like I was meant for more than this. And that statement has been the golden thread that has led me through every circumstance in my life from that point forward. I was meant for more than this.”

What a profound instinctive understanding for young Dave. I’ve been through some traumatic life events that have physically left an impression on me – literally – a plate in the back of my head. And it was a turning point in my life for sure. But to speak to Dave, and see how he grew from negative experiences by acknowledging the impressions it left on him, in his mind, and learn to live with those ripples and build a life on top of that, is incredible.

No matter what, to some degree, you have choices. That is the key here. You have a choice how to respond to a current situation; you have a choice to find the lesson and learn from it; you have a choice to not let it consume you into a victim role; and you have a choice to grow from it and move on.

“Ultimately the choices, when I think back to the first segment of my life, it seems there were always people and circumstances that tried to remove my ability to choose.”

Viktor Frankl, Founder of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, reiterates this point in his writings, you have to detach yourself from your circumstances and recognize you are a complete being despite what the world is presenting to you and taking from you. You have the ability to rise above.

It’s so important to ensure you do not re-circulate the story in your mind of being the victim of circumstances and people, and to recognize you always have the power to completely change your situation. You have the supreme authority to decide what choices to make. Leave the negativity of the past behind you, take the lesson learned, and move forward with what you can right now. There is always a positive step you can take immediately, no matter what your current circumstances are.

Every single person has so much untapped potential, it’s easy to get stuck in your own story, and not grow as a being. Dave shared a great analogy for this that grabbed me. “What we need to embrace is we have an incredible amount of force that we can put out into the world. You can have a plug on your wall, but if you don’t plug anything into it, to give it a path, it will sit there dormant and achieve nothing. So you have to find something to plug it in to.”

I love that! Plug yourself into some personal development; create your path towards the life you want to live. Change your label, change your mindset, and take action. Learn from the past but don’t get stuck in the drama, leave it behind you, and flourish in the now and start your journey towards the life of your dreams! You have the power. Choose to use it.

Shane Krider