Breakthrough The Struggle Barrier

Shane Krider’s Mind Power: How to break through the struggle barrier


Based on podcast by Shane Krider

I do what I do because it brings the joy I want into my life. I do enjoy the money as well and I’m a big believer of business and what that contributes to society. But I’ve seen a lot of budding entrepreneurs get so close to some really great breakthroughs, and then give up. They reach that struggle barrier, and just can’t break through.

There is a personal development teaching that helps with breaking through the struggle barrier and it is – be, do, have. This concept has been around for thousands of years, it’s a fundamental basic truth of life. You can try and change what you have, and you can try and change what you’re doing, but unless you change who you’re being, then none of that is going to change.

We tend to believe we need to ‘have’ something – money, more time, love; then we can finally ‘do’ what we really want – start a business, pursue a passion, create a relationship. This will then allow us to ‘be’ what we really want in our life – successful, fulfilled, in love. But really, it all works around the other way.

The key is we have to first act like who we want to ‘be’ – successful, inspired, loving; then we are ‘doing’ things from this state of being. As soon as we do this, everything aligns and we end up creating what we always wanted to ‘have’.

We just finished a live event this week, where we discussed this concept on a larger scale. We all play roles in our lives. Not one specific role like parent, breadwinner, artist, or athlete. You can basically break down every facet in your life to two role options. Are you the pro-active person (fast or slow) who overcomes obstacles, makes constant progress, constantly transforming things about yourself, your business, your family. Whatever you focus on you achieve real results.

shane krider and rachel krider leadership dinner

Having dinner somewhere off the coast of France at our recent leadership conference.

Or, you procrastinate. You can’t tap into the results you want, you blame circumstances, timing, money, and everything around you is affecting you. It’s a challenging and frustrating place to be, when you believe you’re the victim of everything happening to you. I know because I’ve totally been there.

Every single thing you do is an expression of the role you’re playing. You hear people say it all the time, “it’s not what you do it’s how you do it.” And we talk a lot about how attitude is everything. Well, we can be playing a victim role, and still show up with a big smile on our face and say positive things, but at the end of the day what we’re actually communicating to universe is our inner dialogue, which can be shouting at high volume “I’m struggling!”

A good way to check where you’re sitting on the victim scale is the language you use. Not just in conversations, but in your head. It’s amazing how many times I hear people say “I haven’t made it yet, but…” STOP. You’ve already stopped trying; you’re using negative language about yourself. Who are you being? What role are you playing?

There are some great books that go into this in more depth: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; and Think and Grow Rich; but essentially, here is my cheat sheet formula:

  1. We must plug into some positive things that give us the perception the control is within us.
  2. We need to tune into our own language. Listen to our own internal dialogue, and while conversing with others.
  3. Don’t do anything with the view that we’re the victims of circumstances. Don’t be a fixer, be a creator.

Entrepreneurs are people who take responsibility to create a business into reality despite circumstance. I never focus on circumstance; I’m totally 100% on-purpose, in my genius zone, aiming for my goals. Be. Do. Have. And you’ll break straight through that struggle barrier.

Shane Krider